Use "he is responsible|he be responsible" in a sentence

1. He is not directly responsible.

2. He is too impulsive to be a responsible prime minister.

3. He is directly responsible for this.

4. He affirmed that he was responsible.

5. 1 He is directly responsible for this.

6. He must be responsible to me for this matter.

7. And that boy, whatever he is, is responsible.

8. He denied that he was responsible for the accident.

9. He became solely responsible for the firm.

10. He still felt responsible for her death.

11. 15 He denied that he was responsible for the accident.

12. He is responsible for all the stage props and lighting.

13. According to what he said, Linda should be responsible for the case.

14. 4 He still felt responsible for her death.

15. He made an assertion that he was not responsible for it.

16. He was responsible for hiring and firing staff.

17. But as inspector of constabulary he would be responsible for its proper conduct.

18. He takes the view that people should be responsible for their own actions.

19. He shall not be held responsible for any damage by act of God.

20. He was only partly responsible for the accident.WHICH WORD?

21. He was responsible for Loredana's death, for one thing.

22. He is also responsible for publishing the complete writings of Aragon, for whom he is the literary executor.

23. He thought of himself as a responsible and dependable person.

24. He was responsible for improving the "Judson C-curity Fastener".

25. He is responsible for laying down the accounting procedures and chart of accounts.

26. He seemed to be a responsible person, so I left him to his own devices.

27. He is tall, strong and intelligent as well as caring, responsible and kind.

28. • He accepted that emperorship was responsible and that he was Answerable to a higher power

29. He said he is happy to be among those who are responsible for ensuring that companies follow the law, and maintain their accounts properly.

30. The archbishop felt responsible, and he adopted me the following day.

31. He is responsible for helping the Almoners who will be appointed to administer the program for each individual lodge

32. He will also be responsible for Johnson Brothers' customer service when it is fully integrated later in the year.

33. His Concern was that people would know that he was responsible

34. 10 He is responsible for canvassing the village for subscriptions to the evening paper.

35. Someone's got to be responsible.

36. Indeed, one may well be attributability-responsible for F without be-ing Answerability-responsible for it

37. Whoever is responsible for this will be punished.

38. He said those responsible for offences connected with vice, gaming and drugs should be deported on conviction.

39. He also said the opposition leadership appeared to be " responsible men and women " fighting the Libyan government .

40. Answerable definition, liable to be asked to give account; responsible: He is Answerable to a committee for all his decisions

41. He may even take legal action against those responsible for the libel.

42. He was personally held responsible for the failures of his economic stewardship.

43. Only the contractor/advertiser is responsible fort he content and reliability of the given data.

44. He has been held responsible for much human suffering and religious misconduct.

45. Since 2006, he has been responsible for overseeing Cuba's international education programs.

46. “The drinker can use the period when he is drunk as a ‘time out’ when he is not responsible for his actions.

47. Moreover, it has been argued that he ought to be responsible for guests or licensees on his land.

48. If he so much as harms a hair on her head I won't be responsible for my actions.

49. He was struggling to make the transformation from single man to responsible husband.

50. 29 The buck stops with him. He is ultimately responsible for every aspect of the broadcast.

51. A witness heard him bragging that he was responsible for all three murders.

52. He and two accomplices were responsible for accosting Elim Garak in his shop.

53. He was our “responsible person,” assigned as private tour guide, interpreter and custodian.

54. As high priest, he was responsible for what took place at the tabernacle.

55. We hold a person responsible for his conduct in the sense that he can be justly or fairly punished.

56. In this role, he is responsible for chemical weapons projects, including production of chemical agents and munitions.

57. He imported the commonsense realist philosophy(, which included a demand that individuals be responsible for public affairs.

58. He is responsible for the Consumer Division, allied company strategy, research & development, human resources and corporate communication.

59. Answerable definition is - liable to be called to account : responsible

60. A Blandly handsome young man with no strong emotions or excitement; without saying anything interesting He Blandly declared that he could not be held responsible.

61. He was responsible for peace and order and recruited men for communal public works.

62. He was also responsible for the recruitment of a remarkably able group of officers.

63. Mighty Curvets is a really responsible… Mighty Curvets is a really responsible and responsive team

64. Ptolemy was not responsible for originating the astrological techniques he presented in the Tetrabiblos.

65. He was responsible for organising the ethnic cleansing campaigns in Kosovo, Sarajevo and Bosnia.

66. He was almost single - handedly responsible for the flourishing drug trade in the town.

67. He might enjoy the association of responsible men in the congregation yet be reluctant to share in the preaching work.

68. The responsible authorising officer shall be responsible for the completeness of information transmitted to the accounting officer.

69. Tom is responsible for the office supplies, but he is only held Accountable — owes an explanation for his actions

70. He entrusted the works to the Milanese Angelo Crivelli, who was also to be responsible for the planning the gardens.

71. In this regard, he/she is directly accountable and responsible to me through the United Nations Security Coordinator

72. Who is responsible for this?

73. But he was now acting in defence of the properties of Canterbury, a matter for which he alone was responsible.

74. An accused is Culpable when he or she is sufficiently responsible for criminal acts or negligence to be at fault and liable for the conduct

75. He was responsible for a smuggling network that brought in Pablo's cocaine by the ton.

76. Kim was purged when he was found responsible for the failure at the Incheon Landing.

77. But some doubt that he will curb spending enough to make the package fiscally responsible.

78. If smuggling is going on, who will be held responsible, then?

79. Who will be responsible for the expedition's supplies?

80. Neither you nor I can be held responsible.